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Dancz, C.L.A., Parish, K., Bilec, M.M., Landis, A.E. (2017).  “Assessment of Student’s Mastery of Construction Management and Engineering Concepts through Board Game Design.” ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 143(4): p. 04017009.


Antayta, C., Ketchman, K.J., Bilec, M.M., Landis, A.E. (2015).  “Redesign of a Sustainability Experiential Learning Module for Transferability and Portability.” Presentation, American Society of Engineering Educators, June 14-17, 2015, Seattle, Washington.

Claire L. Antaya, Elizabeth A. Adams, Susan Spierre Clark, Thomas P. Seager and Amy E. Landis. (2014). “Using Conation to Enhance Student Satisfaction with Teams in SOS 110.” National Technical Association, September 24-26, 2013 Cleveland, OH.

Claire L. Antaya, Kristen Parrish, Melissa M. Bilec, and Amy E. Landis. (2014). “Assessing comprehension with student-developed games.” American Society for Engineering Education, June 15-18, 2014 Indianapolis, IN. Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Educators, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Refereed Conference Proceeding Accepted)

Claire L. Antaya, Elizabeth A. Adams, Kristen Parrish, Melissa M. Bilec, Vikas Khanna, Thomas Seager, Mikhail Chester, Braden Allenby, John Michael Sims, Nancy Howe, and Amy E. Landis. (2014). “Integrating Sustainability Grand Challenges and Experiential Learning into Engineering Curricula: a TUES2 collaborative research project.” American Society for Engineering Education, June 15-18, 2014 Indianapolis, IN. (Refereed Conference Proceeding Accepted)

Elizabeth A. Adams, Claire L. Antaya, Thomas Seager, and Amy E. Landis. (2014). “Improving learning productivity and teamwork skills in freshman engineering students through cognitive understanding.” American Society for Engineering Education, June 15-18, 2014 Indianapolis, IN. (Refereed Conference Proceeding Accepted)

Claire L. Antaya, Melissa M. Bilec, Elizabeth A. Adams, William Barr, and Amy E. Landis. (2013). “Integrating Sustainability Concepts in Introduction to Engineering through Active and Experiential Learning.” National Technical Association, September 19-21, 2013 Dayton, OH. (Conference Proceeding Accepted)

Claire L. Antaya, Melissa M. Bilec, Piervincenzo Rizzo, and Amy E. Landis. (2013). “Incorporating Sustainability into the Civil Engineering curriculum via cross course collaborations.” American Society for Engineering Education, June 23 – 26, 2013 Atlanta, GA. (Refereed Conference Proceeding Accepted)

Claire L. Antaya, Kristen Parrish, Elizabeth A. Adams, and Amy E. Landis. (2013). “Experiential Learning in the Civil Engineering Curriculum: Collaborations between Community Colleges, Research I Universities and National Laboratories.” American Society for Engineering Education, June 23 – 26, 2013 Atlanta, GA. (Refereed Conference Proceeding Accepted)

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